Feeling Isolated...

Dear AA,

It appears to me, judging by the volume of 'shared experiences' that these strange phenomena are largely common place...so why do I feel so isolated? For what its worth here is what I remember of my 'weird' experiences.

I often used to have flying dreams, however, this ability to fly was only arrived at after a period of difficulty running (as if my legs were of lead); I seemed to be running away from something. I no longer get these dreams. Over the past few years I noticed new dream related oddities. Trying to sleep one night I suddenly felt as if I, while conscious, were falling into a very deep and accelerated sleep. The experience was accompanied with a strange machine drone that grew with intensity as the 'sleep' deepened. In utter panic I struggled to resist as I feared the conclusion of this experience. I 'woke up' gasping for air. This has recurred several times over the past years (minus the sound), and each time I have struggled to resist. I have read that this is sleep paralysis, and can lead to OBE's.

Twice now, while trying to sleep, I have 'seen' (with my eyes closed), intense bursts of light that seem to emanate from somewhere above my bed. The first one had shape, texture, and sound (a small crystal sphere, with a crisp metallic ring). Mis-firing neurons I presume.

On two occasions do I recall having seen UFOs, both without incident. Traveling at great velocity this object silently passed immediately overhead and flashed a short burst of light. It was dark and I was with a friend but otherwise there was no one around for some distance. The other time occurred when stargazing. I observed the strange erratic motion on a speck of light barely discernible from the visible stars in the night sky. I had read about the supposed erratic motion of some UFOs, and was shocked to be actually seeing this myself. Since these events I have felt a fascination for these strange phenomenon.

Beginning very recently, I've experienced a variety of subtle psychic related events. I primarily get unexplainable feelings of anxiety, and I've learned that they are usually justified, in that they seem to forewarn a future event that is to cause me some distress. On a few occasions I've noticed that I have been receptive to a need of another without my prior knowing.

Subtle electronic malfunctions seem to occur in my presence. Regular phone ringing and no one on the other end, countless computer glitches, sudden activation of the answering machine without the phone ringing, or someone leaving a message, and (occasionally) the pulse meter on my watch would register a pulse without it having received any signal from the separate sensing unit, when I bring the watch up about chin level.

And then one day, upon watching some documentary about how the government has used psychics to solve cases and hearing how these psychics claim to have had UFO experiences, I was reminded of an event in my youth where a 'gap' in my conscious memory persists. First I was walking down a jetty with my eyes closed and then what seemed to be a long time after I awoke an otherwise painful distance below the jetty on the exposed corals without so much as a scratch, or any evidence of having hit my head, for that matter. Consequently, I have often thought if I have experienced some sort of abduction, as I try to explain these and other strange phenomena that seem to plague only me.

Why do you think these anomalous events plague only you? Because perhaps your family members, friends, and other people you know don't believe you? Perhaps you should make copies of our "52 Indicators of Alien Contact" and mail them anonymously to everyone you know. You'd be surprised how many people have had unexplained things happen to them, but they don't make the connection to the visitor phenomena unless someone points it out. Then they still won't believe it (or you). Good luck! -- Editor